A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

God communicates with us

Glowing reflections on a stormy sea. Photo by Kathleen Berry

When you love someone, you enjoy communicating with them. So it makes sense that the Supreme Being reaches out to us as well, even if we don’t recognize it when it happens. Through increasing our awareness and learning how to listen, all of us can regularly receive divine guidance.

Practice thankful prayer and meditation
For many, prayer is a time where they recite a list of what they want God to do for them and their loved ones.* I find praying richer and more meaningful when I use this time to express my gratitude to the Most Loving.

When we become comfortable with the quiet and allow our minds to rest, we’re more receptive to receive guidance from the Most Loving. Clearing our minds make room for the divine to communicate with us.

Here’s my process:

Don’t feel defeated if you think nothing happens after practicing thankful prayer and meditation. And, avoid forcing your expectations on this process. It takes time to recognize subtle energy interjections and many times, we may receive a divine message, but not realize it until the brain and heart has processed it. The message you received may appear later when you are doing something repetitive: walking, gardening, driving or even doing dishes.

What are the signs that the Most Loving has communicated with you?

The Great I Am always communicates with love, kindness and support. Anything else that may come through is not divine communication.

*I do pray for others, but now, I do that separately from my daily thankful practice.

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