A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

What is intuition? How do I strengthen it?

Photo by Shahadat Rahman courtesy of Unsplash.com

Our intuitive sense provides us with an energetic flow of information that can range from receiving and sending messages to feeling energetic shifts. In the New Testament, it’s referred to as spiritual gifts. Everyone possesses this divinely given ability. Most of us just need to exercise our intuitive “muscle” to develop this skill.

Intuition works in conjunction with our other senses. It connects us to the divine realm, where we can more easily commune with the Most Loving, our crossed over loved ones, angels, guides and spirits. It brings us back to our source to provide us with guidance during our earthly journey.

When we develop this sixth sense, we clear a heavenly channel of communication and show our intent to listen. It’s a heartfelt act to open ourselves to the heavens; an admission that there is more to our existence than what we can see. In the beginning, messages may come through like a whisper, but with practice, we can tune our internal antennas to reach frequencies where information is more easily received.

While I believe there are many more helpful energies than harmful ones, it’s always good to get a feel for the entity that wants to come through. Does it feel peaceful, loving or supportive? Or does it want to create division, greed or hatred? As with humans, it’s unproductive to engage those stuck in the negative. If it makes us feel uncomfortable, we can ask it to leave. If it’s still sensed about us, pray to have it removed and ask God to protect us from all that doesn’t serve our greatest good.

A popular fallacy—especially among those who don’t believe in intuition or psychic abilities—is that if these spiritual gifts truly existed, people would be winning the lottery and getting rich from the stock market. Not true. These gifts are meant to further our spiritual evolution and foster a deeper connection to all life. It was never intended to create wealth or an advantage over other people.

Paying attention is key to strengthening our intuitive gifts
Increasing our awareness is the fastest way to build our abilities. We’re more likely to discount our intuition, if we don’t know our body, our thoughts and the energies around us. Since strengthening this special sense requires us to believe in it and the need to act on messages we receive, we must be able to distinguish them from normal everyday occurrences. This takes time and cannot be rushed.

Intuitive thoughts
Let’s monitor the thoughts we have so that when something unexpected pops into our heads, we’ll know if it’s unrelated to what we were thinking or observing around us. If this thought cannot be traced to our thought patterns at the time or visual clues around us, this is a sign that it could be our intuition. This sense can also manifest as spoken from either outside of our body or within our mind.

So where do these messages come from? They may originate from divine sources, our crossed over loved ones or even friends still living amongst us. Once, while on a walk, I got an urgent thought of “Call Me!” and a mental picture of my friend flashed in my mind. When I phoned her, I found out she was in the hospital and really needed to talk.

Physical sensations
Communication can take place as a physical presence. Let’s learn to recognize what our own energies feel like. In the beginning, it’s helpful to consult our divine teams to help us, so that when a different presence nears, we’ll know it. Encounters with other energies can mean we may experience a tingling on the crown of our head or our hands; we may feel a physical touch; hear a different sound; see something unusual or smell a fleeting scent.

As mentioned above, some entities can muster enough energy to touch us. I’ve had them stroke my hair, move my overgrown bangs out of my eyes, hold my hand, touch my shoulder and more. One friend had her foot gently tugged on while she was in bed. She cried with joy when she realized that was exactly what her husband (then deceased) would do when he came home late. She received this blessing by not discounting this unusual sensation. She knew it was a message from him that he would be there when she needed him.

With sight, our sixth sense can show up like a movie or flash of an image in our minds. Or something may appear in our periphery vision—a shape, a shadow, a person—that vanishes as we turn toward it. We could also see lights where none should be present.

Intuitive dreams
Many times, our hectic schedules dominate our thoughts, blocking our intuition. During sleep, though, we become more receptive to messages. Note that these dreams are vivid, filled with strong emotions or incorporate senses differently than our normal dreams. These experiences provide us with important information or allow our crossed-over loved ones to let us know they care. Most times, the memories of these dreams stay with us long after we have them.

Intuition can manipulate technology
Energies can use technology to grab our attention. We may hear the same snippet of information while streaming a show, listening to music or surfing the web. When we notice repeat information, let’s meditate or ask our divine teams what the relevance is to us.

As we become more aware of how intuition presents itself, we’ll heed those divine messages. Each time we act on them, we show the heavens that we’re ready to grow this amazing spiritual gift.

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