Enhance your wellbeing by becoming aware of the energies around you and learning techniques to attract empowering frequencies during “Attract Positive Energies.” Join Kathleen for this live, online class on Sat., Sept. 14, from 10 a.m. to noon PDT. Advance registration is required for this class held in conjunction with Truckee Meadows Community College’s EPIC Department.

In this class, discuss:

  • What’s truly negative?
  • How self-esteem impacts your ability to attract higher energies.
  • The existence of your dedicated divine support team.
  • Your vibration and how to increase it.
  • Meditative techniques to receive divine guidance.
  • How to stop energy vampires from depleting you.
  • Tips to strengthening your intuitive abilities.

The instructor, Kathleen Berry, is a mystical Christian who honors everyones’ spiritual paths. Once a long-time manager of TMCC’s Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, Kathleen shares the lessons that continue to transform her life. She wrote “A Reluctant Spirit: A True Tale of God, Ghosts and a Skeptical Christian” about her sudden spiritual awakening and newfound belief in the supernatural.

Course registration is $39. For quick and easy online registration, visit Attract Positive Energies at https://truckee.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=33107&int_category_id=3&int_sub_category_id=141&int_catalog_id=0
