We’ve all been there. The times when nothing seems to go right and it feels the world conspires against us. Luckily, I’ve learned that how I respond to challenges can stop my freefall into misery. This is what I know: we all have the power to upend that negativity and that power lies in how we act, think and speak.

This is the topic of an online class I’m teaching next week. If any of this post touches your heart, I hope you will join me. Registration details are at the bottom of this post.

Here are some valuable insights that can inject more positivity into your life.

#1 Don’t allow negativity to dwell within you.
How you view your life, yourself and others makes a difference in what you attract. What you feed your brain matters—does it nurture or stagnate you? Does it forge positive relationships with others or create conflict?

Low self-esteem attracts disrespect. Your self-harshness blocks self-love. Without loving who you are, you cannot respect yourself. If you don’t honor yourself, you invite others to do the same. Low self-esteem also inhibits your intuitive sense, which helps you in your day-to-day existence.

Replaying defeating mental scripts also attracts unhelpful energy. Just because something bad happened in the past, it doesn’t mean the past will repeat itself. Relinquish the notion of being a victim. You’re only a victim if you allow it. Rise above. Take responsibility for your actions. When you stand in a position of liking who you are, no one can victimize you.

#2 Seek balance.
Life gets easier once you realize balance is vital. Accept those monumentally trying times and know you will experience ecstatic highs as well. Work to achieve equilibrium: find time to play after you’ve toiled; pursue your spiritual growth while nurturing your body; and take action while scheduling time for rest. And, of course, eat your veggies, but savor that brownie! 😊

#3 Flip your mental script.
What you send out emotionally will be returned to you. If you can love when the world pushes you to hate and you can find peace in a world that thrives on chaos, you have achieved much. What you feel and how you act are contagious. Choose wisely what contagions you want to send out.

Humans are hard-wired to worry. But how often has the worst-case scenario that you’ve obsessed over actually happened? What did you gain from the stress of worry? How did it help you through those instances? It didn’t. Let it go and allow the Most Loving to take control.

Embrace that there will be times that you have to release your control, whether it’s with a head-banging situation or people ready to leave your life. Allow your existence to unfurl and move in the grand direction designed just for you.

#4 Practice gratitude.
Instead of obsessing about what you don’t have or have lost, dwell on what you have or what you’ve gained through past experiences and relationships. There is a time for grieving, but there eventually comes a time to realize why you grieve. With this understanding, you can shift your outlook to honor what you had, even if it wasn’t for as long as you wanted to have it. Recognize your strengths and recall your blessings often. By spending more time in gratitude, you’ll become happier and content.

#5 Everything has a purpose.
I don’t say this lightly. I’m someone who has suffered greatly from chronic illness for most of my adult life. Yet, I’ve seen how my life has moved in a different direction than it would’ve if I’d been healthy. It is different than I’d ever imagined, but it is rewarding and uniquely mine.

Tremendously tough times are not bad: instead, they show what you are capable of and they expand you in ways ease cannot. Seeds grow after being entombed in soil, plunged into absolute darkness. By approaching your challenges by being open to growth, you’ll find you’ll bloom in ways you could’ve never imagined.

#6 You are infinite.
This earthly life is temporary, a mere #alvacation in the scheme of your infinite spiritual existence. You are meant to spread peace, joy and love in the face of peer pressure and physical trials in a material world. Seize this powerful opportunity to enact change. Make every day better for not only yourself, but for your family, your community and the world.

Want to learn more?
I’ll be covering similar information, valuable techniques and more during my live, online class on Sat., Sept. 14, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon. Join us from the comfort of your living room as we talk about our divine support teams, intuitive ability, how to free ourselves from fear, our vibrations and how to raise them, and more.    Register today for this $39 class held through Truckee Meadows Community College. Visit https://truckee.augusoft.net/index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=33107&int_category_id=3&int_sub_category_id=141&int_catalog_id=0 

If this link doesn’t work visit epic.tmcc.edu and click on Register Now (menu on right side), click on Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series and look for Attract Positive Energies.
