After spending the night in the haunted Goldfield Hotel (see A Reluctant Spirit), I became overwhelmed to the point where I barely functioned. My third eye had opened wide; I experienced supernatural activity everywhere. My mind mired in fog and I worried about my sanity. Over time, my body weakened. Psychics told me to raise my vibration. But none of them told me how.

What once sounded woo-woo to me, makes complete sense now. Everything vibrates—not just my spirit. In fact, some physicists believe in the String Theory, a concept that says the root of everything material is a series of vibrating filaments.

I know my soul, body and mind vibrates. The trick is to match those vibrations, to balance the three aspects of my being: the heart-center (my soul’s essence), body and mind. When I achieve balance, I am healthier, happier and more intuitively plugged in.

That night in the Goldfield Hotel freed my heart-center, resulting in an instantaneous spiritual awakening. But while my spirit’s vibration soared, my body and mind stayed where it had always been. This imbalance only worsened as I dedicated myself to my spiritual development and neglected the rest of me.

In the past year, I’ve realized maintaining balance is the key to raising my unified vibration. As I tune-in to my heart-center, I recognize the need to nurture my mind and body. A simple way I do this (besides eating healthy and exercising) is to integrate physical aspects into my spiritual practice.

Tips to sync your mind and body with your spirit’s vibration

  • Pray, sing, chant or praise out loud (when appropriate) ~ Spoken words vibrate within your body syncing these energies.
  • Incorporate body movements into prayer ~ Move your arms, lift your hands or sway your body to allow your physical to connect with your prayer.
  • Prior to meditation, place your hands on an electronic device that is playing music ~ Welcome the melody’s vibration to enter your hands, travel through your arms and move throughout your body. This method is particularly helpful in achieving a deeper meditation.
  • Meditate frequently ~ Meditation not only accelerates your spiritual wellbeing, but it has been proven to have physical health benefits. Make sure to ground yourself before entering a meditative state as this keeps your body connected to your spirit. A simple grounding exercise is to place your feet flat on the ground and imagine the soles of your feet sprouting roots that reach deep into the earth.
  • Dance ~ Free your body to move to the music’s tempo and allow your mind and spirit to open with each movement.
  • Laugh heartily ~ This physical expression of joy uplifts your soul while the vibrations from a deep belly laugh resonate through your body.
  • Handwrite ~ The act of moving a pen to paper helps to take those thoughts from your mind to your physical being. Automatic writing, done while meditating, integrates your soul’s connection to the divine.
  • Walk in the rhythm of your heart beat ~ This creates a physical strolling meditation.

An easy vibrational exercise

  • Close your eyes.
  • Set both feet firmly on the ground/floor.
  • Imagine roots growing out of your soles and reaching into the depths of the earth.
  • Recall the best day of your life.
  • Feel that ecstasy, that spiritual high.
  • Remember the physical aspects, such as smells, textures and sights that occurred during this wondrous event.
  • Soak in the joy, love and accomplishment prevalent at that time.
  • Remain in this state for as long as you wish.
  • As you come out of this bliss, stretch your body.

Live more fully! You can reclaim your overall well-being by syncing your mind, body and spirit.

For more information, read my blog post, “Vibration: What it is and how to raise it
