A Reluctant Spirit: A Book by Kathleen Berry

8 Tips to balance your mind, body and spirit

Vibrating particles

Photo courtesy of Gerd Altmann from PIxabay

After spending the night in the haunted Goldfield Hotel (see A Reluctant Spirit), I became overwhelmed to the point where I barely functioned. My third eye had opened wide; I experienced supernatural activity everywhere. My mind mired in fog and I worried about my sanity. Over time, my body weakened. Psychics told me to raise my vibration. But none of them told me how.

What once sounded woo-woo to me, makes complete sense now. Everything vibrates—not just my spirit. In fact, some physicists believe in the String Theory, a concept that says the root of everything material is a series of vibrating filaments.

I know my soul, body and mind vibrates. The trick is to match those vibrations, to balance the three aspects of my being: the heart-center (my soul’s essence), body and mind. When I achieve balance, I am healthier, happier and more intuitively plugged in.

That night in the Goldfield Hotel freed my heart-center, resulting in an instantaneous spiritual awakening. But while my spirit’s vibration soared, my body and mind stayed where it had always been. This imbalance only worsened as I dedicated myself to my spiritual development and neglected the rest of me.

In the past year, I’ve realized maintaining balance is the key to raising my unified vibration. As I tune-in to my heart-center, I recognize the need to nurture my mind and body. A simple way I do this (besides eating healthy and exercising) is to integrate physical aspects into my spiritual practice.

Tips to sync your mind and body with your spirit’s vibration

An easy vibrational exercise

Live more fully! You can reclaim your overall well-being by syncing your mind, body and spirit.

For more information, read my blog post, “Vibration: What it is and how to raise it


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