Praying and sending love, light and positive energy are ways we ask the divine to intervene. Whenever we call upon the heavenly realm, we’re acting in a way that invites heavenly direction to act within us and others.
Free will determines the effectiveness of our divine requests
Our spiritual petitions are most powerful when we pray or send energy to those who request it. The same occurs when we ask the divine to guide us. Why? The right of free will. When we are determined to control the outcome of a situation on our own, free will keeps the divine from intervening. However, when we ask for help or guidance without placing demands on how it should play out, we welcome the Creator to work within us.
While praying and sending energies to others ask for The Most Loving’s assistance, there are subtle differences between the two.
Prayer is vital in expressing love and gratitude, as well as in sharing our concerns. By praying, we express that our free will welcomes divine assistance and guidance. We recognize there is something bigger than us: a loving power unifying all creation.
Our most effective prayers are general ones. Think of the Lord’s Prayer: it doesn’t ask for specifics. Forgive us our trespasses. Lead us not into temptation. This is because we don’t know what we truly need to get the most from this existence or how to prepare for our future. This is why prayers are not answered always as we expect them to be.
Requesting divine light, love and positive energy
When we invite heavenly light, positive energy and love into our being (or for someone else who is open to it), we enjoy:
- Increased energy,
- Mental clarity and a
- Happier, more contented mindset.
The act of receiving these holy energies demonstrates our faith. We accept these gifts in the realization that the heavens are here to help us.
Interceding for others
We are meant to see the pain in others, so we can show compassion and assist them. Prayer, divine love and sacred energies can uplift them emotionally, spiritually and mentally.
When we can, we should ask them if they’re open to us praying on their behalf. This gives them the right to practice their free will. What if they reject our request? Honor their wishes. If they are not ready for divine help, they will successfully resist it.
In situations where we’re uncomfortable asking or we’re interceding for large groups of people, we can ask the Most Loving to use us as a vessel to send sacred light and love to others. These methods are not as invasive as prayer and do not interfere with their free will. But they can support people by illuminating their journey.
While it isn’t as effective as a welcomed prayer or energy, it uplifts them. They’ll sense this energy and retain their free will by deciding whether they want to absorb it or not. In many cases, the intended person will sense heaven’s love, light and energy, and usually accept these gifts.
Praying for yourself
Resist the temptation of asking God to solve your issues with your wanted solutions. By asking the Most Loving to resolve a situation your way, you’re setting up your free will to clash with the Divine’s insight. Instead, ask for what you need to move forward. Express your gratitude and welcome the Creator to work through you. Ask for the Holy Spirit, heavenly love and light to fill you. Welcome them into your being. Thy will be done.
In time, you’ll see how this kind of prayer enriches your life.
Personally, I also like to pray for a clearer channel of communication between me and the heavenly realm, so I can more easily recognize divine guidance. I ask to be used for the greater good, as I believe we are here for not only our soul expansion, but to love and support all of creation.
Praying for the Earth
Creation, like us, possesses free will. Let’s ask to be a vessel of sacred love and light rippling out to the deserts, forests, farmlands, oceans, skies and wildlife.
We can make a difference in more than our lives. Let’s help others through prayer and sending heavenly energies to those who can use them.
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