No matter how bad you’re feeling, divine light is always present

Challenges are a part of our life and negativity is part of our society. But we can lift ourselves out of the abyss of despair and renew hope for our future. Depression enveloped me this year Depression threw me into a void—a chasm where I couldn’t access my heart—the place where my joy, spirituality and [...]

Focus on the good to prevent negativity from poisoning you

While meditating the other day, I saw that I concentrate more on negative comments said to me than the compliments I’ve received. I learned that by replaying the nasty statements repeatedly in my mind, I increase the power these harsh words have on me. And now’s the time for me to break this habit. [...]

Ban the negative self-talk and appreciate your worth

Like me, you probably push forward, reaching for lofty goals: some attainable, some not. That’s great. We all need to pursue our dreams. But how do you react when falling short of your own expectations? Do you bully yourself by engaging in negative self-talk? Do you believe you’re unworthy of success? We may routinely [...]

Kathleen interviewed on “Dialogue with Divinity” radio show

This week, more than 200 radio stations will air the “Dialogue with Divinity” radio show interview with Kathleen Berry.  Stations presenting the show are part of America Talk Radio, the Canadian News Network and 14 other networks. The show is hosted by Johanna Carroll, author and spiritual counselor. The interview covers Kathleen's views as [...]

The key to experiencing the spiritual: Be open, but don’t force it

My most transformative encounters (spiritual, intuitive and paranormal) occurred when I wasn’t expecting them. I routinely hear from others desperately wanting to experience God or spirits who think that if they just focus more on it happening, it will. Unfortunately, this usually leads to the opposite. When we try too hard to feel the Creator, [...]

Vibration: What it is and why it’s important

Once I started exploring my own psychic abilities, others would advise me to raise my vibration. When I’d ask them what that meant, I’d get a vague response, such as: “It’s your energy” or “One day you’ll just know what it is.” I was befuddled. How could I raise my vibration? I pictured myself [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00April 12th, 2017|Intuition/Psychic Ability|2 Comments

Facing your challenge releases its grip on you

When life crashes down upon us, it’s easy to obsess about the hurdles we face regarding the future of our finances, health or relationships. But focusing on the worst possible results only strengthens the hold these challenges have on us, making our problems seemingly insurmountable. Steps to acknowledge and release your limiting beliefs Accept that [...]

4 indicators that God is paranormal

The headline above would’ve sent me into a raging tizzy 10 years ago. Why? Because I viewed the paranormal as complete darkness, evil. A notion I believe many still hold today due to how the media portrays the unknown and how some churches preach that the supernatural is evil. The paranormal is defined as an [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00March 29th, 2017|Spirituality/Christianity|2 Comments

The ghosts of the Goldfield Hotel: the KTVN videos

It was an amazing and eerie 12 hours. We experienced different spirits in various ways, took compelling video and captured haunting EVP. And I hadn’t even wanted to go. When news anchor Bill Brown asked me to serve as the impartial observer during a paranormal investigation of central Nevada’s long-vacant Goldfield Hotel, I inwardly [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00March 22nd, 2017|Ghost Stories|0 Comments

In God’s time, not ours

2015 and 2016 posed serious physical challenges to my well-being. I battled a chronic health issue that went undetected for seven months, causing headaches, severe weakness and cold-like symptoms. I was tested for cancer, immune system deficiencies and a variety of other ailments. All results were normal. So in March 2016 when my pulmonologist [...]

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