Registration opens for the 2015 Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series

As most of you know, I began a unique spiritual odyssey when my boss asked me to work on our fledgling paranormal program. Over 14 years as the series manager, I’ve met astounding individuals and experienced mind-expanding activity that has enriched my life. If you live in the western U.S., consider attending some of the [...]

Don’t seek to know what your future holds

Recently, my friend, Jeff, found a 1988 video clip of me. Initially, I laughed at my mega-sized eyeglasses and big, curly hair. But, a realization hit me soon after: this was the pre-illness Kathy just 15 months before being stricken with Post-Viral Neurasthenia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Little did she know that soon she’d be [...]

Is that a ghost in your photo? 5 tips to improving your spirit photography

Thank you to Sharon Leong for guest writing this post. Sharon and her sister, Anne, are co-technology directors for the San Francisco Ghost Society. They’ll be teaching “How Spirits Engage Us” at the 2015 Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series on Oct. 10.  What can you do to increase your chances of capturing the paranormal in [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:26-07:00June 17th, 2015|Ghost Hunting, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Most Heavenly’s energy of creation connects all life

God’s divine energy—what I consider to be the Holy Spirit—permeates all creation from the horned toad basking in the sun to the child swaying on a swing. Once I realized this, my view of others and how I valued God’s “lesser” critters changed. No matter how different each form of life is, the Great I [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:26-07:00June 10th, 2015|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|2 Comments

4 tips to encourage your child’s psychic ability

Thanks to regular reader, Holly, for suggesting this topic. Many times as an adult, I’ve wished I’d been more aware of my psychic sensitivity as a child, so that I could’ve strengthened this sense and been more attuned to my surroundings. “Children are usually very aware of the energy around them,” said Gail Hansen, psychic, [...]

Stop the cycle of incivility

The old sticks and stones adage about words not hurting us doesn’t seem to apply in today’s society. People get hurt or mad by terms they hear, inadvertently fueling that negativity by their responses and rewarding those who attempt to marginalize us. Don’t counter negativity with additional negativity While I don’t condone hurtful speech, I [...]

When ghosts drain energy from your electronics, pay attention

Spirits can manipulate our electronics to communicate their desires and opinions. I’ve had multiple unexpected episodes that usually present themselves as an instantaneous loss of battery charge. Of course, we must consider why a battery would die (other than from paranormal activity) such as from extreme cold, it’s old or expired, or it’s been drained [...]

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