Love yourself and grow your spirituality

Many of us struggle to love ourselves. We may feel we’re falling short of where we thought we’d be at this point in our lives; we may have different dreams than society wants us to focus on; or we’re so busy trying to make ourselves into what others want, it empties us inside. It’s easy [...]

Immerse Yourself in Sacred Silence

Following my experiences at the haunted Goldfield Hotel (see “A Reluctant Spirit”), I realized that I’d always filled my space with noise. Music blared while I drove. And, when I’d arrived home, I’d turn on the radio or tv—even if I didn’t want to watch or listen to anything. Being in the quiet made [...]

We are not removed from nature. We are part of it.

It’s an illusion to believe we’re separate from nature. In our Modern Age, man has tricked himself into thinking we are above all life. But we cannot be above animals, as we are animals. Indigenous people see all creation as one. In the introduction to Episode 4 of “How to Change Your Mind,” Oglala [...]

By |2022-08-11T14:47:20-07:00September 7th, 2022|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

We are resilient. We are spirit.

Living in a physical realm, we believe all we see and feel. It’s easy to think this is all there is because we’ve forgotten what we are: souls, eternal spirits that choose to come to Earth. In this grand experiment of living in bodies, we experience monumental blessings. Our senses awaken to the joys [...]

Our journeys are larger than ourselves

Working on our spirituality feels like a singular path, a private journey to increase our contentment while better sensing the Supreme Being. What most of us don’t realize is that as we lift ourselves up, we also raise those around us. And, when enough of us seek the Most Divine, we contribute to the [...]

By |2022-08-04T11:00:21-07:00August 10th, 2022|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

Make room for your rebirth

We are different today than we were the morning before. Each day, our experiences sculpt us: a small, daily evolution getting us closer to who we are meant to be. To have room for rebirth, though, we must experience small deaths: releases of the old that no longer serve us. This can happen when we [...]

By |2022-07-19T10:43:05-07:00July 27th, 2022|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

Strengthen your divine connection by reviving wonder

Most of us have lost the wide-eyed wonder we possessed as small children. That appreciation for all creation and its diversity buried in the hubbub of our lives. We have allowed the responsibilities and busyness of being an adult to hijack our mind to believe that possessing a sense of awe is immature. Wonder, [...]

Is it True Spirits Can Possess People?

Watching scary movies like “The Amityville Horror” and “Annabelle” get our hearts racing in a fun way. But for Chris McKinnell, helping others rid themselves of negative supernatural energies is his daily reality. Chris, who began working with his grandparents Ed and Lorraine Warren as a teen, continues their work as the director of [...]

Our purpose: to live in love

I would’ve made a lousy hippie. “All You Need is Love,” is a fine Beatles song, but I’d always found it a bit Pollyanna. That was until I spent the night in the closed down Goldfield Hotel (read A Reluctant Spirit). In the emotional aftermath of that event, I experienced mind-blowing, unconditional love from [...]

We can learn from our negative emotions

Don’t clear your lower emotions. Instead, learn from them to increase your vibrational energy and fine-tune your intuitive abilities. When I consciously began my intuitive journey, a psychic friend suggested I clear all of my negative emotions on a daily basis. My goal was to vibrate higher (negative emotions bring down a person’s overall [...]

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