Crossed over loved ones

Kathleen Berry Interviewed on The Grave Talks Podcast

During two podcast sessions with The Grave Talks, Kathleen Berry discusses her book, the Goldfield Hotel, her spirituality and the supernatural. This interview can be found wherever you listen to podcasts or you can access them through these links: The Grave Talks | Haunted, Paranormal & Supernatural / A Reluctant Spirit, Part One [...]

Earthly, spiritual and divine realms exist in one space

Some religions believe that our earthly plane is removed from the heavenly and spiritual realms. That our end goal is to ascend to a different location, wholly separate from our physical existence. Imagine my surprise, when meditating, that I learned all realms exist in the same cosmic container, intersecting and residing in the same [...]

Don’t Wish for an Easy Existence

Some equate living a good life with living an easy life. This is a myth. We can’t live great lives—our best lives—without monumental loss. The hardships we endure steer us onto different paths, scenic and arduous treks we’d never make had life been comfortable. If we didn’t experience that devastation—whether it be the passing of [...]

Grieve even though you know your crossed over loved ones are well

In August, my dear friend, Jean Millay Ph.D., a pioneer in the study of the survival of consciousness beyond death, graduated from Earth School. She approached this transition from the physical to spirit realms with grace, joy and anticipation. Our friendship was filled with amazing conversations and I could never absorb all the wisdom [...]

Kathleen interviewed on “Dialogue with Divinity” radio show

This week, more than 200 radio stations will air the “Dialogue with Divinity” radio show interview with Kathleen Berry.  Stations presenting the show are part of America Talk Radio, the Canadian News Network and 14 other networks. The show is hosted by Johanna Carroll, author and spiritual counselor. The interview covers Kathleen's views as [...]

The unintended “side effect” of ghost hunting: connecting with your departed loved ones

Imagine this. During a paranormal investigation, you’re hoping to make contact with history—the spirits connected to a location, land or item. Instead you find yourself facing a crossed over loved one. Why would that happen? The spirit sees: You’re open to the idea of an encounter You’re concentrating on the present moment You’ve quieted [...]

Death transitions us to our purest self

Death is not a cessation, but a return to the state we were in before we had a body. The textures of our existence change without the fetters of a physical shell, but we survive that transition. Don’t fear death American culture has made death scary, an abrupt end to existence. My experience with [...]

Release the guilt, accept the love

One of the most detrimental emotions we can rigidly cling to after a loved one crosses over is guilt: over what we didn’t do, what we did do or what we thought during those last moments together. And, while this post focuses on the deep regret we feel after someone has passed away, any [...]

Spirits and angels are around you all the time. Claim your privacy.

One of the first “eeew” moments I experienced after my spirit encounters at the Goldfield Hotel was realizing energies are around us all the time, even when we feel we’re alone. The concept of entities spying on me completely unnerved me. Of course, my thoughts went to the times I’m in the bathroom. Gross! A [...]

Create an awareness of the energies about you, then set your boundaries

It’s important to learn how to sense the spirits around you, so you can establish boundaries and retain control of your environment. Even without believing in these energies they may invade our space, affect our mood, health or sense of well-being. Photo courtesy of the New York Public Library. While it’s taken me [...]

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