Crossed over loved ones

Ghost hunting is not a game

Following a fairly recent murder/suicide in the paranormal community, I was stunned by the actions some ghost hunters took to try to contact the newly deceased. Perhaps those investigators didn’t consider how distressing their behaviors were to others. Responsibility should be integral to paranormal investigating. We must always approach this activity seriously and respectfully. I’m [...]

Our departed loved ones reach out to us: readers’ stories

Thank you to Colleen, Darla, Becky, Karen and Marlene for sharing their experiences. I’ve edited for clarity only. Manipulating the physical  Colleen and the musical snow globe My grandmother died in November, 2007. A couple of weeks before Christmas, one of our musical snow globes started playing at 2 a.m. full blast. It played, "We [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:14:57-07:00November 18th, 2015|Crossed over loved ones, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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