Ghost Stories

The Reno Gazette-Journal Publishes an Article on “A Reluctant Spirit”

May you find time to enjoy this amazing holiday season! I was fortunate to have the Reno Gazette-Journal write an article on my book, "A Reluctant Spirit: A True Tale of God, Ghosts and a Skeptical Christian." This article includes an interview with me about my experience. Wishing you the very best and a very, Merry Christmas!

Roles spirits play in our lives

Years ago, a medium told the caretaker of a historic building that the spirits there had worked together to get her that job. They’d created situations that led the woman to that position. This statement astonished me. I knew the medium was gifted, but could she have misconstrued the message? Could energies really guide us [...]

Paranormal movies don’t frighten me anymore

The blonde woman sat at her vanity, staring into the mirror as she brushed her silky hair. Behind her, a tall, distinguished vampire stood admiring her beauty, but all she saw was a reflection of the curtains waving in the night breeze. The undead man moved toward her— I had thrown my hands over my [...]

A Reluctant Spirit is now on sale at

I'm pleased to announce that my spirituality memoir, "A Reluctant Spirit: A True Tale of God, Ghosts and a Skeptical Christian" is now available in paperback and Kindle editions. View my book on Amazon. After you read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts here and on

Why do ghosts appear in bathrooms?

Thank you to regular reader, D.B., for requesting this post. In the time I’ve been involved with paranormal education, I’ve heard remarkable stories about people encountering the supernatural in their bathrooms. Here are the most recent ones I’ve heard, directly from the eyewitnesses themselves. (Names have been changed to respect their privacy.) Mirror apparitions Upstairs [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:18:18-07:00September 25th, 2013|Ghost Stories, Nevada, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Is my house or workplace haunted?

Determining why a spirit is visiting and whether you want it around. Most of us are so busy we don’t realize we are surrounded by energies encouraging us to grow and succeed. I know my crossed-over loved ones, guardian angels (or spirit guides) and other divine emissaries cross my path every day. And that comforts [...]

Scientists: acknowledge your paranormal prejudices

I’ve always held science in esteem. I honor those who seek answers to the unknown. However, as someone who’s had a life-changing supernatural experience and works at a college, I’ve found many academics rigid and biased in this regard. Acknowledge your mindset The American culture promotes the stereotype that those who believe in the paranormal [...]

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