Intuition/Psychic Ability

Kathleen Berry Interviewed on The Grave Talks Podcast

During two podcast sessions with The Grave Talks, Kathleen Berry discusses her book, the Goldfield Hotel, her spirituality and the supernatural. This interview can be found wherever you listen to podcasts or you can access them through these links: The Grave Talks | Haunted, Paranormal & Supernatural / A Reluctant Spirit, Part One [...]

8 Tips to balance your mind, body and spirit

After spending the night in the haunted Goldfield Hotel (see A Reluctant Spirit), I became overwhelmed to the point where I barely functioned. My third eye had opened wide; I experienced supernatural activity everywhere. My mind mired in fog and I worried about my sanity. Over time, my body weakened. Psychics told me to raise [...]

Attract Positive Energy: An online class with Kathleen Berry

Enhance your wellbeing by becoming aware of the energies around you and learning techniques to attract empowering frequencies during “Attract Positive Energies.” Join Kathleen for this live, online class on Sat., Sept. 14, from 10 a.m. to noon PDT. Advance registration is required for this class held in conjunction with Truckee Meadows Community College’s [...]

What is intuition? How do I strengthen it?

Our intuitive sense provides us with an energetic flow of information that can range from receiving and sending messages to feeling energetic shifts. In the New Testament, it’s referred to as spiritual gifts. Everyone possesses this divinely given ability. Most of us just need to exercise our intuitive “muscle” to develop this skill. Intuition works [...]

By |2024-05-28T15:34:35-07:00July 17th, 2024|Intuition/Psychic Ability|0 Comments

The 3 stages of spirituality: awareness, awakening and evolution

We expand our spirituality when we actively seek to rediscover our soul’s wisdom. By integrating that sacred knowledge as we find it, we foster serenity, wonder and a deep connection to all living beings. There are three phases we experience in our quest to commune with the divine and transcend our physical existence: awareness, awakening [...]

3 Tips to getting out of your way and living a larger life

I’d been the type of person who didn’t like surprises. One who’d sought control over what happened in my life. I’d planned and executed actions, expecting everything to come together how and when I wanted it to. But do you know what? All I ended up with was stress, frustration and disappointment. In attempting [...]

Kathleen Berry teaching “Attract Positive Energies,” a TMCC course

Enhance your wellbeing by becoming aware of the energies around you and learning techniques to attract empowering frequencies during “Attract Positive Energies.” Join Kathleen for this special in-person class from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wed., Oct. 4 at TMCC’s Meadowood Center in Reno, Nev. Advanced registration is required and class size is limited. [...]

Earthly, spiritual and divine realms exist in one space

Some religions believe that our earthly plane is removed from the heavenly and spiritual realms. That our end goal is to ascend to a different location, wholly separate from our physical existence. Imagine my surprise, when meditating, that I learned all realms exist in the same cosmic container, intersecting and residing in the same [...]

A playful haunting at California’s Eureka Inn

As an atmospheric river dumped snow in the Sierra making a trip over Donner Summit sketchy, we extended our trip on the California coast by one more day and headed north. We were to stay in Eureka, California at the Eureka Inn, a 100-year-old hotel on the National Register of Historic Places. As we neared [...]

Love yourself and grow your spirituality

Many of us struggle to love ourselves. We may feel we’re falling short of where we thought we’d be at this point in our lives; we may have different dreams than society wants us to focus on; or we’re so busy trying to make ourselves into what others want, it empties us inside. It’s easy [...]

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