Intuition/Psychic Ability

What I’ve learned through exploring my own psychic abilities

We are all psychic: Many of us just need to shake off the dust and hone our skills. Awareness remains key to honing your sixth sense. So much of intuition gets ignored merely because we won’t pay attention to it. Heed the nagging suspicion in your mind and the strange thought that pops into your [...]

My rebuttal to the evangelical stance on after- death communication

During the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, I moderated “Religion and the Paranormal:  A Panel Discussion” that featured a rabbi, evangelical pastor, Buddhist and Muslim.  The pastor was likeable and passionate about his beliefs, which I respect. But, while listening to his Biblical take on the paranormal, I realized my different positions on the subjects [...]

Ghost, sprite or sylph: What is that spirit?

When Pride Hansen, owner of Metaphysical Learning Center in Reno, approached me about teaching a spirit identification class for the ghost series I manage, I admit I’d never given much thought to the idea of diverse entities in the spirit world. Here's what I learned. Angels Years ago, I’d thought angels only existed in the Bible [...]

Dancing with the ghosts

Recently, I participated in my second investigation of the Old Washoe Club/Millionaire’s Club in Virginia City, Nevada. Read my post “Inside Moon” about my 2008 visit there. In the late 1800’s, the upper stories of the Washoe housed the exclusive Millionaire’s Club—a bastion of the Comstock Lode’s rich and influential—where power deals had been forged [...]

Can hypnotherapy increase your psychic abilities? Reader request.

After watching “Stir of Echoes” starring Kevin Bacon, one of my regular blog readers asked me to look into the connection between hypnosis and psychic abilities. In the movie, Bacon's character, Tom, becomes psychic after his sister-in-law hypnotizes him. Viewers learn at the end of the movie that Tom had been very intuitive as a [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:38-07:00October 10th, 2012|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Nevada, Uncategorized|30 Comments

Children are naturally psychic

Intuitives say children can easily plug into the spirit world. It’s believed that since their souls haven’t been in bodies as long as adults, the young retain subconscious memories of the spirit world. Family reactions impact ESP. Sensitive Jason Lindo spoke at the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Conference some years back. As a small child, [...]

An old tin cup

My parents, Darlene and Bryan, spend their golden years volunteering for state parks all over the country. One of their favorite places is Berlin Ichthyosaur Park located in the Nevada outback. They archived artifacts there in the off-season, when they have the park to themselves. Berlin, a short-lived mining community perched on an arid central [...]

We are all connected, so share the positivity

This blog was written by my friend, Nichole Relaford. We were discussing this over tea a few weeks back, and I loved her thoughts regarding intention and gratitude. I’ve always heard we’re connected and, over time, this idea’s grown stronger within me. The water molecule experiment. Dr. Masaru Emoto (link) studied the molecular structure of [...]

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