Intuition/Psychic Ability

ESP misconceptions, part 2: ESP is a perfect, consistent sense

See my previous post: ESP misconceptions, part 1 Out of our innate abilities—sight, sound, touch, smell, taste and ESP—psychic sensitivity is the most subjective, and at least for me, inconsistent sense. This means when we receive messages—many that burst forth and last only a millisecond—we can easily misconstrue or discount them. Interpreting a message correctly [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:54-07:00March 14th, 2012|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Good Christians can believe in the paranormal

My definition of Christianity Anyone who believes Christ died for our sins and that Jesus is the son of God. It’s wrong to accuse differing denominations of being cults. One Bible verse haunted me As my life spun 180 degrees after GFH, a verse from Isaiah 8:19 worried my spiritual consciousness. How could God thrust [...]

ESP misconceptions #1: ESP is relatively rare.

Wrong! I bet you know someone with well-developed psychic abilities, but they keep their talents secret from you. After all, American society stigmatizes seers. Prior to working with the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, even I would’ve said they’re playing in Satan’s sandbox. Since I became vocal about my GFH experiences, I’ve had three friends [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:54-07:00February 22nd, 2012|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Seven ways to encounter positive paranormal activity

What we don’t understand, we’re most likely to fear. Our prejudices against the Other World—whether spurred on by Hollywood horror movies or warnings from the pulpit—prevent us from experiencing productive, positive spirit encounters. Over the eight years that I’ve been involved in coordinating the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, I’ve been fortunate to work with [...]

Running into walls? Change your path.

We all know the feeling of trying to reach a goal and repeatedly, frustratingly running into one barrier after another.  I believe our intuition can be instrumental in helping us select more productive paths in life. So why do we keep running into barriers? We possess free will. We have the right to pursue the [...]

Consequences of spending the night in a haunted hotel

A sleeping bag and pillow figured prominently among the belongings I hauled to Goldfield, Nevada. Honestly, I anticipated a snore-fest—a tedium of wandering long, Spartan halls and cloned guestrooms that would make any intelligent woman long for a good night’s sleep. But fate finds pleasure in pitching monkey wrenches at our expectations. Here are some [...]

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