
The Most Heavenly’s energy of creation connects all life

God’s divine energy—what I consider to be the Holy Spirit—permeates all creation from the horned toad basking in the sun to the child swaying on a swing. Once I realized this, my view of others and how I valued God’s “lesser” critters changed. No matter how different each form of life is, the Great I [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:26-07:00June 10th, 2015|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Stop the cycle of incivility

The old sticks and stones adage about words not hurting us doesn’t seem to apply in today’s society. People get hurt or mad by terms they hear, inadvertently fueling that negativity by their responses and rewarding those who attempt to marginalize us. Don’t counter negativity with additional negativity While I don’t condone hurtful speech, I [...]

A good death

If you’ve read A Reluctant Spirit or have heard me talk, you know that I no longer fear death. I see this event merely as a transition, when we leave our physical shells behind and experience a realm of freedom and love. It’s not that I wish for an early death. No. I see having [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:42-07:00April 22nd, 2015|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Dr. Eben Alexander’s The Map of Heaven offers a wealth of resources about the spirit world

Read my review of Dr. Eben Alexander’s first book, Proof of Heaven. Neurosurgeon Alexander’s second book, The Map of Heaven, cannot and should not be compared to his first amazing work, Proof of Heaven, where he shares his journey from skeptic to believer after experiencing a near death experience. Map of Heaven is a compilation [...]

10 steps to prepare yourself for healing

Thanks to reader Bryce for requesting this topic. While I believe healing occurs when and if the Most Divine decides it will happen, we can prepare ourselves for renewed health. These actions also provide a precious benefit: an increased sense of peace. I’ll probably never know why God waited 18 years to reinvigorate my body. [...]

Every day brings a gift; let’s be grateful for it

When I’m at peace, I find each day brings me a small present, one that further boosts my gratitude and infuses additional joy into my routine. It could take the form of someone appreciating my work, or me witnessing a dazzling sunrise, encountering wildlife or laughing heartily with loved ones. Unfortunately, I’m not at peace [...]

Heavenly inspiration leads to creativity, invention

Thanks to regular reader Kristin for suggesting this post. Can the acts of creating and inventing be divinely inspired and is it very common? I believe the answer is “yes.” For me, there’s no doubt A Reluctant Spirit’s wording was sent from above to me. As most of you know, I spent a year trying [...]

We must stop allowing others to marginalize us

Repeatedly, readers share stories with me about others denigrating their beliefs—some to the point of condemnation by loved ones and fellow parishioners. Many of us have been there, losing confidence in our role on Earth and, even worse, questioning our worthiness of Divine Love. I’ve been told I can’t be Christian. That I’m corrupting others. [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:42-07:00February 25th, 2015|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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