
God created nature, so God is in nature

The Great I Am dazzles me every time I venture beyond the city limits. Mother Nature brims with such heavenly energy that no manmade sanctuary could ever feel as holy as God’s deserts, meadows, alpine heights, oceans, lakes and forests. Someone I love claims to live without spirituality. But I disagree. I see his countenance [...]

A neurosurgeon presents Proof of Heaven

When scientists acknowledge the authenticity of the afterlife, it makes me giddy. They validate my beliefs, even if they aren’t referring specifically to my experience. In the book, Proof of Heaven, Harvard-educated neurosurgeon, Eben Alexander, outlines how his near-death experience (NDE) proves we survive in a different dimension when our physical bodies cease to exist. [...]

Kathleen’s radio interviews are on the web

If you missed Kathleen's interview on the BROADVIEW radio show on KBZZ, access it here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/155733398/KBZZ%20Nov%20Broadview%20MP3%20EDITED.mp3 You can also hear her segment on Living Conscious, also on KBZZ, at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/155733398/KBZZ%20Nov%20Living%20Conscious%20Segment.mp3 Have a great day!

Gays are created in God’s image, too

Dedicated to my cousin Roy and coworker Bill—both who had endured prejudice and misplaced shame for being how God created them. They have since crossed over. I’m angry, yet I’ve been silent. By taking the “this is not my battle” stance, I’ve empowered those who expend energy to make homosexuals pariahs in our society. Now’s [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:18:33-07:00April 3rd, 2013|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Meditate to increase your intuitive abilities

Everyone possesses intuition. It’s just that in our busy, cynical world, we’ve lost touch with it. While most of us aren’t John Edward, we can exercise our brain to strengthen our ESP. By spending five to 10 minutes of structured silence on a regular basis, we all can reawaken this spiritual gift. When I quiet [...]

The grass parable: a lesson in resilience

As I walked the hills behind my house this past Christmas Eve, I noticed a clump of new-green grass cracking the soil where it broke through. Not more than ½ inch high, but nonetheless, I stopped and marveled. You see, just a few days before, the temperature plummeted to 10 degrees Fahrenheit, hardly the weather [...]

I’m highly imperfect, but I don’t have to berate myself for it

I routinely disappoint myself. After all the lessons I’ve learned and the blessings I’ve received, I should be better at heeding my own advice in a consistent manner. But I’m human and so I’m flawed. To move on, I need to accept my “human-ness.” A while back I contracted a strange virus. No cold or [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:07-07:00February 27th, 2013|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|6 Comments

Religion needs to embrace those with spiritual gifts

Thank you to Jessica (not her real name) for co-writing this blog with me. Jessica has possessed intuitive abilities since she was a baby. Her mom would frequently watch her infant daughter suddenly shift her gaze and focus on something invisible. One day after elementary school, Jessica sat on the couch at home. Although alone, [...]

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