
Ignoring spirits won’t protect or benefit you

Some Christian denominations teach that all paranormal is evil, to discourage their flocks from dabbling with ghosts. This thinking is flawed as ignorance does nothing to prevent supernatural activity. Believing spirits don’t exist won’t protect you. Once, I lived in a condo where I frequently woke to find a shadow person standing by my bed. [...]

Something supernatural lurking in your home? Perhaps it’s a jinn.

During the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series’ Religion and the Paranormal Discussion, the Northern Nevada Muslim Community President Sherif A. Elfas shared his belief in jinn. Jinn are not ghosts; they’re equivalent to us. Muslims believe God created three types of sentient beings: angels (created from light), humans (created from clay) and jinn (created from [...]

The Next Big Thing Writers’ Blog ~ It’s Kathleen’s Turn

Kathy's regular blog, "God, Ghosts and Gut Instincts" will return on Wednesday, Jan. 23. Thank you to Janice Oberding  for sending this traveling blog my way. This strong woman played a pivotal role preserving my sanity during the odd experiences I faced before, during and after the Goldfield Hotel. She continues to inspire me today. [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:07-07:00January 15th, 2013|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Catch Kathleen on House of Savoy, Sat., Jan. 12, 10 a.m.

Hear Kathleen discuss the paranormal and how it applies to her Christian views on Sat., Jan. 12 at 10 a.m. (PST) during the House of Savoy Radio Show on KJFK 1230 AM.  Live outside the Reno area? Stream it live at the same time at www.1230kjfk.com or access it from your mobile  devices using the Tunein application, which can [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:07-07:00January 9th, 2013|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Who is heaven bound?

Years ago, an evangelical friend cut me from her life after her pastor said I was destined for hell. Apparently, he believed I cavorted with Satan because I: Visited a Chinese acupuncturist for pain management treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome and neurally mediated hypotension; and Lived with a man, not married. I was shocked my [...]

I refute the evangelical stance of “all paranormal is evil”

This is the second of two posts on my response to the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series’ “Religion and the Paranormal: A Panel Discussion,” which featured an evangelical pastor. See My Rebuttal to the Evangelical Stance on After Death Communications. As I noted two blogs ago, I respect this pastor’s beliefs. Yet, from my own [...]

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