
Kathleen interviewed on “Dialogue with Divinity” radio show

This week, more than 200 radio stations will air the “Dialogue with Divinity” radio show interview with Kathleen Berry.  Stations presenting the show are part of America Talk Radio, the Canadian News Network and 14 other networks. The show is hosted by Johanna Carroll, author and spiritual counselor. The interview covers Kathleen's views as [...]

The key to experiencing the spiritual: Be open, but don’t force it

My most transformative encounters (spiritual, intuitive and paranormal) occurred when I wasn’t expecting them. I routinely hear from others desperately wanting to experience God or spirits who think that if they just focus more on it happening, it will. Unfortunately, this usually leads to the opposite. When we try too hard to feel the Creator, [...]

Facing your challenge releases its grip on you

When life crashes down upon us, it’s easy to obsess about the hurdles we face regarding the future of our finances, health or relationships. But focusing on the worst possible results only strengthens the hold these challenges have on us, making our problems seemingly insurmountable. Steps to acknowledge and release your limiting beliefs Accept that [...]

4 indicators that God is paranormal

The headline above would’ve sent me into a raging tizzy 10 years ago. Why? Because I viewed the paranormal as complete darkness, evil. A notion I believe many still hold today due to how the media portrays the unknown and how some churches preach that the supernatural is evil. The paranormal is defined as an [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00March 29th, 2017|Spirituality/Christianity|2 Comments

In God’s time, not ours

2015 and 2016 posed serious physical challenges to my well-being. I battled a chronic health issue that went undetected for seven months, causing headaches, severe weakness and cold-like symptoms. I was tested for cancer, immune system deficiencies and a variety of other ailments. All results were normal. So in March 2016 when my pulmonologist [...]

I stand with you, I stand with the USA

The hatred must stop. Now. The desecration of Jewish cemeteries and the threats against their schools are abhorrent and have no place in our society. America’s strength has always been in its citizens’ diversity of backgrounds, faiths and political ideologies. I don’t need to think the same as someone else to respect them as [...]

The motivation behind giving is as important as the act

Energetically and spiritually we are connected to one another. So why would bestowing our time, efforts or money on others be counterproductive? It’s because sometimes we act without the right intention, giving expecting to receive. In those times, we’re left feeling empty and obstruct our spiritual growth. I’d never really thought about my motivation [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00February 22nd, 2017|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|0 Comments

We hate because we fear

Fear drives hatred. We are frightened by those whom we perceive to threaten our well-being, our lifestyle, our beliefs, our freedoms, our morality. Without fear, hatred dies. Some institutional leaders intentionally kindle dismay among people to achieve their desired results. The 24-hour news cycle (cable TV channels, some talk radio and websites) try to [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:57-07:00February 1st, 2017|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Death transitions us to our purest self

Death is not a cessation, but a return to the state we were in before we had a body. The textures of our existence change without the fetters of a physical shell, but we survive that transition. Don’t fear death American culture has made death scary, an abrupt end to existence. My experience with [...]

Attempting to micromanage God

I pray all day. I pray for: the traffic light to stay green a good night’s sleep the grocery store lines to be short and the people around me to be civil. Could I be any more pious? A few weeks ago, I realized I’d been cloaking my arrogance as prayer. I’d been trying [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:58-07:00December 21st, 2016|A Reluctant Spirit, Spirituality/Christianity|6 Comments
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