
Handling the energies around you, part II

See last week’s post on “Handling the energies around you.” Prevent intentional/unintentional energy vampires from impacting you People may or may not know they’re draining you. Some are going through difficult times and all they see is that they feel better when they’re around you. When you’re aware someone is siphoning your energy, imagine a [...]

Handling the energies of people around you, part I

A few weeks ago, I wrote about protection from unseen entities, especially when investigating the paranormal. What I need more help with, though, is preserving my own energy from the people—both those I know and strangers—whom I encounter in my daily life. If you are sensitive, chances are that you don’t like large groups. The [...]

The power of intent drives your day, your life

Our state of mind and the thoughts we dwell on impact our actions and the people around us. I’ve found that implementing a daily practice of setting intentions charges my environment with positivity, helping me spend more time living in the light than in the darkness. Photo by Mihai Tilinca, freestockimages.com Examples of [...]

Register for the 2016 Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series today!

It’s hard to believe I’ve been involved in the coordination of the college’s supernatural program for 15 years! As usual, you can select from a variety of investigative, spiritual, intuitive development and history classes this September and October in Reno, Virginia City and Carson City, Nevada. Kathleen to present “Attracting Positive Energies” on Wed., Sept. [...]

Gays are created in God’s image too: updated post

When will we stop deciding we know what people are like based on who they love, what faith they practice, what they look like or how much money they make? God created all of us. Please, let’s remember our commonality, instead of going out of our way to denigrate others because they are different from us. Here’s my 2013 [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:13:39-07:00June 15th, 2016|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|2 Comments
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