A Reluctant Spirit

Even if you don’t realize it, your departed loved ones visit you

When grief grips us, we can be desperate to receive a signal from our loved ones who’ve crossed over. We may think that if we don’t sense anything, they are nowhere around us. But this isn’t necessarily so. A main reason we may be unaware of our dear ones is that they know their presence [...]

Be selective about séances

I’m not a big fan of séances. I’m sure a lot of it comes from my Christian upbringing, but it’s also because I know some circles are led by inexperienced people. A séance leader needs to be able to control the environment and ensure the safety of its participants. It’s not that I’ve had any [...]

“A Reluctant Spirit” garners great review from Kirkus Review

I'm thrilled with Kirkus Review's write-up on my book, A Reluctant Spirit: A True Tale of God, Ghosts and Gut Instincts! Here's all except the book summary part (it gives away the ending, so I'm not including it). "Berry’s intriguing debut memoir suggests that belief in the paranormal, including ghosts and psychic experiences, can be [...]

Heavenly love differs from earthly love

Two instances in the past month have shown me that some don’t realize the power of love, its enduring nature and how the passing of the physical shell doesn’t lessen, but empowers this richest of all emotions. While discussing a visitation dream I had with a crossed-over family member, another relative said, “No. That can’t [...]

A Reluctant Spirit is now on sale at Amazon.com

I'm pleased to announce that my spirituality memoir, "A Reluctant Spirit: A True Tale of God, Ghosts and a Skeptical Christian" is now available in paperback and Kindle editions. View my book on Amazon. After you read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts here and on Amazon.com.

Why do ghosts appear in bathrooms?

Thank you to regular reader, D.B., for requesting this post. In the time I’ve been involved with paranormal education, I’ve heard remarkable stories about people encountering the supernatural in their bathrooms. Here are the most recent ones I’ve heard, directly from the eyewitnesses themselves. (Names have been changed to respect their privacy.) Mirror apparitions Upstairs [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:18:18-07:00September 25th, 2013|Ghost Stories, Nevada, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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