
Ghosts and What They Teach Us About the Afterlife Presentation Video

Last month, I spoke at Carson City's A to Zen on "Ghosts and What They Teach Us About the Afterlife." In response to requests from out-of-town readers that I post one of my presentations online, I've uploaded this hour-long talk on my YouTube Channel. Yesterday's post notification failed, but it's live Due to technical [...]

The unintended “side effect” of ghost hunting: connecting with your departed loved ones

Imagine this. During a paranormal investigation, you’re hoping to make contact with history—the spirits connected to a location, land or item. Instead you find yourself facing a crossed over loved one. Why would that happen? The spirit sees: You’re open to the idea of an encounter You’re concentrating on the present moment You’ve quieted [...]

Death transitions us to our purest self

Death is not a cessation, but a return to the state we were in before we had a body. The textures of our existence change without the fetters of a physical shell, but we survive that transition. Don’t fear death American culture has made death scary, an abrupt end to existence. My experience with [...]

After effects: Paranormal encounters vs. near death experiences (NDEs)

While recently conducting research for a potential post, a fresh realization struck me: The after effects of people who had NDEs are similar to those I experienced after encountering the spirits of the Goldfield Hotel in central Nevada. Perhaps facing the paranormal altered my consciousness in a similar way, a navigation that showed me we [...]

What is the Other Side like? Paranormal investigators share their insights.

Seeking clues to the afterlife leads many to ghost hunting Once I experienced unexplained activity, I caught glimpses of what awaits us once we leave this physical realm. What energies have taught me about life after death: Spirits interact with each other; they don’t exist in a vacuum. It’s not unusual to gather EVPs or [...]

Kathleen Berry to teach “Ghosts, God and the Afterlife,” a TMCC spirituality class

I’ve taught noncredit classes for Truckee Meadows Community College before, but this will be my first spirituality class and I’m excited! I’ll present “Ghosts, God and the Afterlife” on Wed., Oct. 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the TMCC Meadowood Center in Reno, Nevada. Advance registration is required. This is the most in-depth presentation [...]

Dr. Eben Alexander’s The Map of Heaven offers a wealth of resources about the spirit world

Read my review of Dr. Eben Alexander’s first book, Proof of Heaven. Neurosurgeon Alexander’s second book, The Map of Heaven, cannot and should not be compared to his first amazing work, Proof of Heaven, where he shares his journey from skeptic to believer after experiencing a near death experience. Map of Heaven is a compilation [...]

Science shows consciousness survives physical death

University of Arizona Professor Gary Schwartz, PhD believes he has proven that death is not the end of our individual existences. In his book, The Afterlife Experiments, he discusses his pivotal study of mediums and after-death communications. Schwartz, who earned his doctorate at Harvard and taught at Yale, headed  UA’s former Human Energy Systems Laboratory, now [...]

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