
Believe that each obstacle, challenge expands us

In my previous post, “Why do we think life should be easy?,” I write about our unrealistic expectations of what our lives should be. Believing, “Why me?” makes it easier for us to see ourselves as victims, giving away our personal power. Years ago, I served as the executive director for a local chapter [...]

Changing focus infuses more joy into our lives

Our days can be filled with more “must-do” than “want-to-do” tasks. After all, someone has to grocery shop, pay bills and earn a living. And while we might choose different activities if we could, appreciating even the most menial chores can lighten our mood and that of those around us. Recently, I realized I’d [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:11:34-07:00December 6th, 2017|Spirituality/Christianity|2 Comments

10 steps to prepare yourself for healing

Thanks to reader Bryce for requesting this topic. While I believe healing occurs when and if the Most Divine decides it will happen, we can prepare ourselves for renewed health. These actions also provide a precious benefit: an increased sense of peace. I’ll probably never know why God waited 18 years to reinvigorate my body. [...]

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