
Improve a difficult situation with love

When our well-being or happiness is threatened it’s in our nature to blame others and wish them the worst. You hurt me and I’ll hurt you back. However, lashing back at someone when we’re angry, scared or stressed doesn’t improve the situation or make us feel better in the long term. Why? Because when we [...]

7 Tips to Disarm Stress

Stress occurs when we dwell on the “what-ifs” of a difficult situation, sinking us into worry and fear. For many of us it’s an automatic response, one we may not recognize until it starts hurting our wellbeing. The good news is we can break this cycle through radically changing our outlook. Why we don’t want [...]

Why I keep going

December is a tough month. The holidays and long nights combined with meeting our regular responsibilities can be taxing, especially for those of us with physical, emotional or financial challenges. For those who are tempted to just give up, I’m sharing why I don’t. My hope is that you may find something here that [...]

By |2023-12-11T11:31:25-08:00December 13th, 2023|Chronic Illness/Overcoming Adversity|0 Comments

3 Tips to getting out of your way and living a larger life

I’d been the type of person who didn’t like surprises. One who’d sought control over what happened in my life. I’d planned and executed actions, expecting everything to come together how and when I wanted it to. But do you know what? All I ended up with was stress, frustration and disappointment. In attempting [...]

Our thoughts and actions can invite evil into our lives

At one point, I belonged to a Christian sect that taught that no matter how good we were, God allowed the devil to freely inflict evil upon us. I’ve come to realize that the Most Loving doesn’t allow Satan to use us as a plaything. Instead, we are the ones to allow harmful energies into [...]

By |2023-06-16T11:51:40-07:00June 21st, 2023|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments

Life’s fragility has purpose

The Most Divine purposely made our earthly experiences contrast from those we had in heaven. The physical dimension rewards us with periods of elation through achievement and passion, while enriching each day with the amazing sensations of touch, scent and taste. However, nothing can challenge us like living in the material realm where loss and [...]

Believe that each obstacle, challenge expands us

In my previous post, “Why do we think life should be easy?,” I write about our unrealistic expectations of what our lives should be. Believing, “Why me?” makes it easier for us to see ourselves as victims, giving away our personal power. Years ago, I served as the executive director for a local chapter [...]

Why do we think life should be easy?

Why me? Most of us have uttered this at some time. When I ponder this phrase, I wonder where our mistaken notion of being entitled to non-stop ease comes from. Modern society creates the expectation of ease. For most of humanity’s existence, life was short and dangerous. Cavemen hunted, but were prey as well. [...]

Face the darkness and bring more light into your life

None of us want to experience tough times: to drop into the chasms of depression, worry and despair. However, when we find ourselves in this place, we can flip our perceptions of the dark, increasing our capacity to love and experience joy. It’s so easy to be scared of the dark. Afterall, it’s human nature [...]

We are resilient. We are spirit.

Living in a physical realm, we believe all we see and feel. It’s easy to think this is all there is because we’ve forgotten what we are: souls, eternal spirits that choose to come to Earth. In this grand experiment of living in bodies, we experience monumental blessings. Our senses awaken to the joys [...]

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