
We must stop allowing others to marginalize us

Repeatedly, readers share stories with me about others denigrating their beliefs—some to the point of condemnation by loved ones and fellow parishioners. Many of us have been there, losing confidence in our role on Earth and, even worse, questioning our worthiness of Divine Love. I’ve been told I can’t be Christian. That I’m corrupting others. [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:42-07:00February 25th, 2015|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Letting go differs from giving up

For me, a frustrating aspect of being chronically ill for years was when friends and doctors told me to give up hope that I’d ever get better because I was priming myself for failure. Well, for those who read my blog and have read “A Reluctant Spirit,” you know I had the last laugh on [...]

Overcoming fear: A personal journey to the divine

If you had asked me eight years ago if I lived fearfully, I would’ve said, “Absolutely not!” I might’ve added I was cautious, but I certainly hadn’t seen myself as someone scared all the time. Ironically, it was after I spent a crazy, other-worldly night in the haunted Goldfield Hotel that I realized that multiple [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:16:39-07:00November 5th, 2014|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Release expectations, empower success

Just because I write about inspirations I receive, it doesn’t mean I always adhere to my own advice. And, the area where I have the most difficulty heeding my insights is with my memoir, A Reluctant Spirit. Lately, I’ve been dedicating myself to the book’s final, big marketing push. And it’s wearing me down. I’m [...]

Don’t rush it. Everything comes in its own time.

Patience has never been my personal virtue. I wanted a publisher to sell my book, “A Reluctant Spirit,” years ago. I’d thought I could handle my discomfort revealing such intimate experiences that happened to me. I was wrong. Thank God, the Most Divine had a different plan in mind. Life led me on a rambling, [...]

Never Lose Faith

In 2000 and 2001, doctors from the Mayo Clinic and Stanford Medical Center told me I suffered from permanent nerve damage and would never recover. Their advice to me: Stop pushing yourself and accept that you’ll never live the life you want. Despite this, a voice buried deeply within me urged me not to give [...]

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