
Thin places: Where spirit and earthly realms meet

“The old man looks out to the island. He says this place is endless thin. There’s no real distance here to mention. We might all fall in, all fall in. No distance to the spirits of the living. No distance to the spirits of the dead…” Scottish Folk Singer Dougie Maclean, (https://www.dougiemaclean.com/index.php/f/41-feel-so-near) in “I Feel [...]

The power of silence and free-range thinking to boost spirituality

I’m happiest and most spiritually fulfilled when I dedicate a little time to quiet and solitude each day. It’s a rewarding break from my demanding job and life’s responsibilities. Simple, seemingly mindless activities help me: connect with divine energy and guidance, live more in the present, grow more comfortable with myself and feel one with [...]

After effects: Paranormal encounters vs. near death experiences (NDEs)

While recently conducting research for a potential post, a fresh realization struck me: The after effects of people who had NDEs are similar to those I experienced after encountering the spirits of the Goldfield Hotel in central Nevada. Perhaps facing the paranormal altered my consciousness in a similar way, a navigation that showed me we [...]

The energy and love we project can transform even the nastiest among us

A few weeks back, a man who I’ve found scary and perpetually angry approached us. Instead of becoming frightened and intimidated like I usually do when we encounter him, I used the technique I wrote about below in 2012. And, for the first time, he was not only civil, but he was friendly. Why, oh [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:14:56-07:00December 9th, 2015|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Kathleen Berry to teach “Ghosts, God and the Afterlife,” a TMCC spirituality class

I’ve taught noncredit classes for Truckee Meadows Community College before, but this will be my first spirituality class and I’m excited! I’ll present “Ghosts, God and the Afterlife” on Wed., Oct. 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the TMCC Meadowood Center in Reno, Nevada. Advance registration is required. This is the most in-depth presentation [...]

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