
Heavenly love differs from earthly love

Two instances in the past month have shown me that some don’t realize the power of love, its enduring nature and how the passing of the physical shell doesn’t lessen, but empowers this richest of all emotions. While discussing a visitation dream I had with a crossed-over family member, another relative said, “No. That can’t [...]

God speaks to all of us

A few weeks back I caught a television interview with Bill O’Reilly, who was promoting his book about Jesus. The reporter leaned forward and said with a hint of sarcasm, “You say God talks to you. Do you really believe that?” “Yes. He does,” O’Reilly said. Ugh. In that instance, a grand opportunity fell through [...]

5 Steps to living in the present and increasing our spiritual wellness

I remember my childhood filled with languid days of playing, exploring and creating. Time passed slowly. But as I matured, my life grew harried and time streaked by, leaving me deflated and worn down. So why was my life like this? I’d lost my child-like ability to find wonder in the world around me. Instead, [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:18:32-07:00July 17th, 2013|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|2 Comments

If a spirit contacts you, is it safe to interact with it?

See my previous week’s post on “The Bible advocates using intuition.” Just like people, not all spirits come from an affirming place. Some may try to veer you off your spiritual path while others will help you forge a deeper relationship with the Great I Am. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself [...]

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