
God created nature, so God is in nature

The Great I Am dazzles me every time I venture beyond the city limits. Mother Nature brims with such heavenly energy that no manmade sanctuary could ever feel as holy as God’s deserts, meadows, alpine heights, oceans, lakes and forests. Someone I love claims to live without spirituality. But I disagree. I see his countenance [...]

A neurosurgeon presents Proof of Heaven

When scientists acknowledge the authenticity of the afterlife, it makes me giddy. They validate my beliefs, even if they aren’t referring specifically to my experience. In the book, Proof of Heaven, Harvard-educated neurosurgeon, Eben Alexander, outlines how his near-death experience (NDE) proves we survive in a different dimension when our physical bodies cease to exist. [...]

Kathleen’s radio interviews are on the web

If you missed Kathleen's interview on the BROADVIEW radio show on KBZZ, access it here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/155733398/KBZZ%20Nov%20Broadview%20MP3%20EDITED.mp3 You can also hear her segment on Living Conscious, also on KBZZ, at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/155733398/KBZZ%20Nov%20Living%20Conscious%20Segment.mp3 Have a great day!

Gays are created in God’s image, too

Dedicated to my cousin Roy and coworker Bill—both who had endured prejudice and misplaced shame for being how God created them. They have since crossed over. I’m angry, yet I’ve been silent. By taking the “this is not my battle” stance, I’ve empowered those who expend energy to make homosexuals pariahs in our society. Now’s [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:18:33-07:00April 3rd, 2013|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|4 Comments

What is evil’s existence here and in the spirit world? Reader Request Part II

See last week’s post featuring the perspectives of a rabbi and Episcopalian priest. Evil is a manifestation of our analytical mind. Pride and Gail Hansen, owners/instructors, Metaphysical Learning Center Evil exists only from a human perspective because it’s a judgment interpretation. Our egos make the distinctions between good and evil. What we judge to be [...]

What is evil’s existence here and in the spirit world? And why does God allow it? Reader Request Part I

Thank you, Cindy, for requesting this subject. I’m pleased to have spiritually-grounded experts—an Episcopal priest, rabbi, Spiritualist reverend and metaphysical teachers—share their thoughts about evil which I cover below and in next week’s post. Does God permit evil to exist? Universally those I queried said evil is either human-caused or judged to be so through [...]

Many paths lead to God

I’ll always be Christian. Jesus sings to my soul. His divine humanity gives me an awesome goal for which to strive. His lessons ring true to me: loving, accepting and helping one another, and the necessity of fostering a personal relationship with the Almighty without the need of a human intermediary. Being a Christian means [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:53-07:00June 27th, 2012|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|7 Comments

Develop your spirit radar: Is that energy good or evil? Part II

See part I. Part Two: Hone your discernment When dealing with spirit, discernment proves vital. You must be able to determine whether an entity is positive or a negative. I believe many organized religions discourage their flocks from delving into the paranormal because they don’t have faith in their parishioners’ abilities to sense good from [...]

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