
You have what you need to thrive

There are times when life becomes so hard it can be difficult to get through it. I believe we’re on Earth to grow our souls in ways that are impossible to do so in the heavenly realms. But, to expand ourselves emotionally and spiritually, there are times we need help. The good news is that [...]

Strengthen your divine connection by reviving wonder

Most of us have lost the wide-eyed wonder we possessed as small children. That appreciation for all creation and its diversity buried in the hubbub of our lives. We have allowed the responsibilities and busyness of being an adult to hijack our mind to believe that possessing a sense of awe is immature. Wonder, [...]

Savor life’s special moments, especially in times of turmoil

When a natural disaster occurs and it’s not in your region, you may feel guilt about enjoying your day. But miring yourself in depression and projecting your fears on an already-tragic situation won’t help anyone. Not those facing monumental challenges. And, it certainly won’t improve your well-being. By doing so, you’re heaping additional negative [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:11:34-07:00September 13th, 2017|Spirituality/Christianity|0 Comments
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