
The Mission Mirror vs. Oscar Wilde

Thank you to Sharon Leong for writing this post.  Sharon, who teaches each year at the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, is a talented paranormal investigator based out of San Francisco. One of my most memorable spiritual encounters happened about twenty years ago, shortly after my purchase of an antique mission mirror. I had just [...]

“A Reluctant Spirit” garners great review from Kirkus Review

I'm thrilled with Kirkus Review's write-up on my book, A Reluctant Spirit: A True Tale of God, Ghosts and Gut Instincts! Here's all except the book summary part (it gives away the ending, so I'm not including it). "Berry’s intriguing debut memoir suggests that belief in the paranormal, including ghosts and psychic experiences, can be [...]

Is my house or workplace haunted?

Determining why a spirit is visiting and whether you want it around. Most of us are so busy we don’t realize we are surrounded by energies encouraging us to grow and succeed. I know my crossed-over loved ones, guardian angels (or spirit guides) and other divine emissaries cross my path every day. And that comforts [...]

Not all ghosts have a sense of humor

Happy Halloween! In honor of this day, I thought I’d share a real-life ghost story that I witnessed just four weeks ago. Our investigative team wanders the third floor of the Millionaire’s Club, a once exclusive establishment in the late 1800s in Virginia City, Nevada. Housed on the two floors above the Old Washoe Club, [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:38-07:00October 31st, 2012|Ghost Hunting, Ghost Stories, Nevada, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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