
Personal growth requires pain and peace

The most productive, rewarding lives come from balancing cycles of pain and comfort. Like blacksmiths use fire and water to shape metal, we need both pain and ease to transform our lives. It is only through surviving tough times and then recuperating afterwards where we are forged into the people we are meant to be. [...]

It isn’t your fault you’re ill

Illness happens to everyone. Sure, it helps to lead a healthy life, but severe physical trials can strike anyone at any time. People ask me if they are to blame for their poor health. They wonder if they’d still be sick if they possessed a stronger faith or if they’d just learn a specific lesson. [...]

3 steps to fully living: release, accept and receive

Everything that comes to us is on God’s schedule, not ours. And to get the most from every day, we can benefit greatly by regularly practicing three actions: releasing, accepting and receiving. #1 Release the past, limiting thoughts and the notion that you’re in control We can’t meaningfully enhance our life until we let [...]

No matter how bad you’re feeling, divine light is always present

Challenges are a part of our life and negativity is part of our society. But we can lift ourselves out of the abyss of despair and renew hope for our future. Depression enveloped me this year Depression threw me into a void—a chasm where I couldn’t access my heart—the place where my joy, spirituality and [...]

Facing your challenge releases its grip on you

When life crashes down upon us, it’s easy to obsess about the hurdles we face regarding the future of our finances, health or relationships. But focusing on the worst possible results only strengthens the hold these challenges have on us, making our problems seemingly insurmountable. Steps to acknowledge and release your limiting beliefs Accept that [...]

Sometimes in life you can only control your reaction

When my illness reached its worst, I spent almost all of my time in bed (or on the couch). My life seemed completely out of my control. My health severely restricted any physical activity. I couldn’t earn enough money to support myself. And, if I wanted to read a book, I couldn’t as I didn’t [...]

Letting go differs from giving up

For me, a frustrating aspect of being chronically ill for years was when friends and doctors told me to give up hope that I’d ever get better because I was priming myself for failure. Well, for those who read my blog and have read “A Reluctant Spirit,” you know I had the last laugh on [...]

Release expectations, empower success

Just because I write about inspirations I receive, it doesn’t mean I always adhere to my own advice. And, the area where I have the most difficulty heeding my insights is with my memoir, A Reluctant Spirit. Lately, I’ve been dedicating myself to the book’s final, big marketing push. And it’s wearing me down. I’m [...]

Don’t rush it. Everything comes in its own time.

Patience has never been my personal virtue. I wanted a publisher to sell my book, “A Reluctant Spirit,” years ago. I’d thought I could handle my discomfort revealing such intimate experiences that happened to me. I was wrong. Thank God, the Most Divine had a different plan in mind. Life led me on a rambling, [...]

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