
The unintended “side effect” of ghost hunting: connecting with your departed loved ones

Imagine this. During a paranormal investigation, you’re hoping to make contact with history—the spirits connected to a location, land or item. Instead you find yourself facing a crossed over loved one. Why would that happen? The spirit sees: You’re open to the idea of an encounter You’re concentrating on the present moment You’ve quieted [...]

Treat spirits as you would people

When I investigated the Goldfield Hotel in Central Nevada with our local CBS affiliate in 2007, I was taken aback by how our team’s ghost hunters treated the hotel’s spirits like real people. When we entered rooms, they’d apologize for barging in, and then introduce us. They talked politely to what appeared to be empty [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:26-07:00July 15th, 2015|Ghost Hunting, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Registration opens for the 2015 Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series

As most of you know, I began a unique spiritual odyssey when my boss asked me to work on our fledgling paranormal program. Over 14 years as the series manager, I’ve met astounding individuals and experienced mind-expanding activity that has enriched my life. If you live in the western U.S., consider attending some of the [...]

Is that a ghost in your photo? 5 tips to improving your spirit photography

Thank you to Sharon Leong for guest writing this post. Sharon and her sister, Anne, are co-technology directors for the San Francisco Ghost Society. They’ll be teaching “How Spirits Engage Us” at the 2015 Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series on Oct. 10.  What can you do to increase your chances of capturing the paranormal in [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:15:26-07:00June 17th, 2015|Ghost Hunting, Uncategorized|0 Comments

When ghosts drain energy from your electronics, pay attention

Spirits can manipulate our electronics to communicate their desires and opinions. I’ve had multiple unexpected episodes that usually present themselves as an instantaneous loss of battery charge. Of course, we must consider why a battery would die (other than from paranormal activity) such as from extreme cold, it’s old or expired, or it’s been drained [...]

Nevada Paranormal Series offers variety to ghost enthusiasts, amateur historians and more

Hi Everyone~ The Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series starts in about two weeks. If you live close to northern Nevada, check out our classes! The Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series, in its 13th year, expands its appeal this September with a number of new historical courses in a nod to the state’s 150th anniversary. Twelve courses [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:16:59-07:00August 20th, 2014|Ghost Hunting, Nevada, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Dancing with the ghosts

Recently, I participated in my second investigation of the Old Washoe Club/Millionaire’s Club in Virginia City, Nevada. Read my post “Inside Moon” about my 2008 visit there. In the late 1800’s, the upper stories of the Washoe housed the exclusive Millionaire’s Club—a bastion of the Comstock Lode’s rich and influential—where power deals had been forged [...]

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