
For me, becoming Born Again was a supernatural event

One of the most emotional paranormal experiences I had was the instant I became a Born Again Christian. Ironically, that event led me to a church whose pastor taught that all supernatural occurrences were of Satan. Below is a scene from “A Reluctant Spirit” (which was deleted during my last rewrite) that illustrates the power [...]

Even if you don’t realize it, your departed loved ones visit you

When grief grips us, we can be desperate to receive a signal from our loved ones who’ve crossed over. We may think that if we don’t sense anything, they are nowhere around us. But this isn’t necessarily so. A main reason we may be unaware of our dear ones is that they know their presence [...]

Is your departed loved one stuck here?

I’ve been blessed to be the manager of the Nevada Ghost and Paranormal Series. It gives me the ability to help others release their fears about those who’ve crossed over and about the spirit world. One concern I hear fairly often is the trepidation that since a deceased loved one has visited, it must mean [...]

Roles spirits play in our lives

Years ago, a medium told the caretaker of a historic building that the spirits there had worked together to get her that job. They’d created situations that led the woman to that position. This statement astonished me. I knew the medium was gifted, but could she have misconstrued the message? Could energies really guide us [...]

A neurosurgeon presents Proof of Heaven

When scientists acknowledge the authenticity of the afterlife, it makes me giddy. They validate my beliefs, even if they aren’t referring specifically to my experience. In the book, Proof of Heaven, Harvard-educated neurosurgeon, Eben Alexander, outlines how his near-death experience (NDE) proves we survive in a different dimension when our physical bodies cease to exist. [...]

Gays are created in God’s image, too

Dedicated to my cousin Roy and coworker Bill—both who had endured prejudice and misplaced shame for being how God created them. They have since crossed over. I’m angry, yet I’ve been silent. By taking the “this is not my battle” stance, I’ve empowered those who expend energy to make homosexuals pariahs in our society. Now’s [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:18:33-07:00April 3rd, 2013|Spirituality/Christianity, Uncategorized|4 Comments
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