
Believe that each obstacle, challenge expands us

In my previous post, “Why do we think life should be easy?,” I write about our unrealistic expectations of what our lives should be. Believing, “Why me?” makes it easier for us to see ourselves as victims, giving away our personal power. Years ago, I served as the executive director for a local chapter [...]

The power of intent drives your day, your life

Our state of mind and the thoughts we dwell on impact our actions and the people around us. I’ve found that implementing a daily practice of setting intentions charges my environment with positivity, helping me spend more time living in the light than in the darkness. Photo by Mihai Tilinca, freestockimages.com Examples of [...]

The most valuable tool in a successful ghost hunt—skepticism

When I first met pioneer paranormal investigator Janice Oberding, her professional attire and it’s-not-my-concern-if-you-don’t-believe-in-ghosts demeanor surprised me. But what dumbfounded me was Janice’s skepticism toward paranormal evidence. She questions everything. Gullibility is not an asset. Janice dispelled my belief that ghost hunters are easily swayed by nonsense. She educates herself on the ways ghostly experiences [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:19:54-07:00May 23rd, 2012|Ghost Hunting, Uncategorized|6 Comments
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