
My faith is inseparable from the paranormal

As a Christian who celebrates the mystery of the Great I Am, I know the paranormal will always remain intertwined with my spiritual beliefs because ghosts were a catalyst in my growth, helping me discard limiting ideas and revealing the vastness of the sacred. Paranormal investigations opened my mind to the larger reality of [...]

Focus on the good to prevent negativity from poisoning you

While meditating the other day, I saw that I concentrate more on negative comments said to me than the compliments I’ve received. I learned that by replaying the nasty statements repeatedly in my mind, I increase the power these harsh words have on me. And now’s the time for me to break this habit. [...]

Death transitions us to our purest self

Death is not a cessation, but a return to the state we were in before we had a body. The textures of our existence change without the fetters of a physical shell, but we survive that transition. Don’t fear death American culture has made death scary, an abrupt end to existence. My experience with [...]

10 steps to prepare yourself for healing

Thanks to reader Bryce for requesting this topic. While I believe healing occurs when and if the Most Divine decides it will happen, we can prepare ourselves for renewed health. These actions also provide a precious benefit: an increased sense of peace. I’ll probably never know why God waited 18 years to reinvigorate my body. [...]

God doesn’t allow spiritual attacks; we do.

Like other Christians, there have been times when I felt spiritually assaulted by the dark side. And, although it’s only happened a handful of times, it usually occurs when I’m on the cusp of an enlightening breakthrough. I’ve pondered how God, who loves us unconditionally, would allow Satan and other negative energies to prey on [...]

The Bible endorses using intuitive skills

See my related post from two weeks ago, “The Bible acknowledges the existence of positive spirits and ghosts.” I view our psychic abilities as a gift from the Holy Spirit, a divine energy that connects all of us—whether or not we still inhabit our bodies. While some denominations say that God only allowed prophecy and [...]

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