power of love

Improve a difficult situation with love

When our well-being or happiness is threatened it’s in our nature to blame others and wish them the worst. You hurt me and I’ll hurt you back. However, lashing back at someone when we’re angry, scared or stressed doesn’t improve the situation or make us feel better in the long term. Why? Because when we [...]

Only love can disarm hate

Learn how to stop the cycle of hate in its tracks. We live in difficult times. Covid. The Ukrainian invasion. Inflation. Unfortunately, the stress of these uncertain times has led to an escalation in hate. Hate, which arises out of fear, leads to division. Hatred serves no positive purpose Some see hate as an outlet [...]

By |2022-03-03T11:02:29-08:00March 4th, 2022|Uncategorized|2 Comments
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