
Don’t seek to know what your future holds

Recently, my friend, Jeff, found a 1988 video clip of me. Initially, I laughed at my mega-sized eyeglasses and big, curly hair. But, a realization hit me soon after: this was the pre-illness Kathy just 15 months before being stricken with Post-Viral Neurasthenia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Little did she know that soon she’d be [...]

Science shows consciousness survives physical death

University of Arizona Professor Gary Schwartz, PhD believes he has proven that death is not the end of our individual existences. In his book, The Afterlife Experiments, he discusses his pivotal study of mediums and after-death communications. Schwartz, who earned his doctorate at Harvard and taught at Yale, headed  UA’s former Human Energy Systems Laboratory, now [...]

We all possess intuitive abilities—Reader Request

Thank you, Holly, for requesting this subject. When a premonition through a dream became reality, I labeled it a weird coincidence. And, when I felt unseen eyes watching me or couldn’t shake the sensation that I wasn’t alone, I attributed it to my active imagination. So when an instructor I work with proclaimed, “You can [...]

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