
We are resilient. We are spirit.

Living in a physical realm, we believe all we see and feel. It’s easy to think this is all there is because we’ve forgotten what we are: souls, eternal spirits that choose to come to Earth. In this grand experiment of living in bodies, we experience monumental blessings. Our senses awaken to the joys [...]

Enhance your ability to receive divine guidance through meditation

Each day, I set aside time to commune with the Universal Power by spending time in meditation. I believe that meditation allows me to create a quiet space where I can listen to God and its divine messengers. In this 11-minute video, I take you through the steps I use to tap into wisdom, love [...]

My faith is inseparable from the paranormal

As a Christian who celebrates the mystery of the Great I Am, I know the paranormal will always remain intertwined with my spiritual beliefs because ghosts were a catalyst in my growth, helping me discard limiting ideas and revealing the vastness of the sacred. Paranormal investigations opened my mind to the larger reality of [...]

Want to expand your intuitive abilities? Relate more to the heavenly realm.

Being too steeped in our physical domain is one of the greatest obstacles to strengthening our psychic abilities. When we’re mired in an earthly state, we erect a brick wall between ourselves and spirit messages and divine guidance. In many ways, the material realm contrasts with the ethereal one. Our current existence requires us [...]

By |2020-06-16T14:12:07-07:00February 8th, 2017|Intuition/Psychic Ability, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Release the guilt, accept the love

One of the most detrimental emotions we can rigidly cling to after a loved one crosses over is guilt: over what we didn’t do, what we did do or what we thought during those last moments together. And, while this post focuses on the deep regret we feel after someone has passed away, any [...]

Spirits and angels are around you all the time. Claim your privacy.

One of the first “eeew” moments I experienced after my spirit encounters at the Goldfield Hotel was realizing energies are around us all the time, even when we feel we’re alone. The concept of entities spying on me completely unnerved me. Of course, my thoughts went to the times I’m in the bathroom. Gross! A [...]

Handling the energies around you, part II

See last week’s post on “Handling the energies around you.” Prevent intentional/unintentional energy vampires from impacting you People may or may not know they’re draining you. Some are going through difficult times and all they see is that they feel better when they’re around you. When you’re aware someone is siphoning your energy, imagine a [...]

Divine protection is the safety belt for your spiritual well-being

Most wouldn’t consider it wise to walk alone down an alley at 1 a.m. and invite some scary fellow over to have a chat. So why do some ghost hunters engage in similarly risky behavior when they disregard the importance of protection and clearing? Over the years, I’ve seen it repeatedly: psychics and paranormal investigators [...]

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